~ Cat Animation Art Show Today! ~
Summer, 2002, Issue 12 - by Barbara Stanley,
Home2Cats, P. O. Box 752671, Memphis, TN 38175-2671
(c) Artist: Eminyan
Mews You Can Use:
Detecting Health Problems --
Cats are solitary animals with a natural tendency to try to take care of their own health problems. As they are 'masters' at hiding their pain and discomfort, it is often difficult for the most nurturing and caring owner to detect signs of illness.
Awareness of your cat's normal behavior and habits is extremely important as often your first sign of problems may simply be a change in behavior. No matter how minor it may appear, any changes in habits, personality, and routine should alert the owner to potential health problems.
If you observe a change in you cat's normal behavior, you should then observe for any physical changes. Don’t just look - using your other senses can be as, or perhaps more, revealing than simply what you see. So hearing, touch and smell are just as important as simply looking at your cat.
Some physical signs that you should look for are changes in drinking habits, changes in appetite, any vomiting, and any changes in bowel and bladder output. Check your cat's coat for any changes in appearance. Observe for changes in the way your cat is walking and balancing. Are there any changes in his/her vision and/or hearing?
Also important is how your cat reacts to touch. A change in touch response could indicate pain. If any physical changes are observed, you should seek medical attention immediately for proper evaluation and care.
Remember, cats are solitary animals so don’t be overly concerned if your cat wants to be alone for a while. However, if this persist more than 24 hours you would be well advised to make an appointment with your veterinarian for proper assessment and recommendations.
A Word From Home(2Cats):
(c) Artist: Marloes de Haan
Cat Tails:
Name: Argant
Breed: Beach Bum & Aristocrat MixIt's hard to believe that anything would need to be rescued from paradise. But that was the case for Argant in the Cayman Islands. Over population from failure to spay/neuter extends beyond our American borders. Even to the paradise that is the Cayman Islands.
Argant's appreciation of the finer things in life contributed to his downfall. He adopted the Hyatt Regency as his home. Why not? Oh, the cuisine!! Oh, the ecstasy of it all. He was able to feast occasionally on the finest of delicacies (Okay, so they were scraps no one else wanted but, hey, some mighty fine grub nonetheless).
Alas, the patrons and guest were unimpressed and failed to appreciate Argant’s ‘inner beauty’ and filed complaints with hotel personnel about the scrawny cat-in-residence with the ratty coat. Horrors! Argant became a hunted fugitive.
When we made his acquaintance, Argant was spending his last day at the Cayman Humane Society. We had gone for a visit and tour of the facility when we came across Argant having his last meal.
Even in such dire straits, he stopped to purr and chat with us. We were ‘goners’ at that point, our hearts won over by the scruffy little guy.
Argant was state side bound after he passed his health exam and inspection with the Department of Agriculture. He has gained weight and flaunts his gorgeous white coat. He’s adjusted well to his new digs, though decidedly NOT the Hyatt Regency.
Argant has decided that sometimes the simple things in life are better than the finer things.
Argant’s Favoritest Things:
Fave Toy | Fish in the ponds at the Hyatt. |
Fave Food | Eukanuba. |
Fave Pastime | Feeling the beach sand between your toes. |
Fave Song | "Give Me Just a Little More Time" - by Chairman of the Board. |
Fave Movie | "Cat Women of the Moon." |
Lexus’s Un-Favoritest Things:
Un-Fave Toy | Sand crabs. |
Un-Fave Food | Anything being served as your last meal. |
Un-Fave Pastime | Fugitive status. |
Un-Fave Song | "I Fought The Law (and the Law Won)" - by The Crickets. |
Un-Fave Movie | "Motel Hell." |
(c) Artist: Hidetaka Hikashi
To see more, click here to visit NekoAni.
Animal and People Recognition:
While losing a companion is one of life's greatest sorrows, never having one is to miss out on years of loving companionship.
In memory of people:
Nancy Ahokas
A friend to strays and supporter of Home2Cats. We are saddened by the passing of this wonderful lady.
--Barbara and Larry StanleyNancy Ahokas
Our beautiful sister-in-law and aunt.
--Cheryl, Graham, & Rachel AhokasNancy Ahokas
She taught us to love cats.
--Peggy and Jay KirkpatrickNancy Ahokas
A special woman who loved cats.
--Steve and Tammy ShaneyfeltNancy Ahokas
--Ms. Katrine AhoNancy Ahokas
--Richard and Carla DlugachNancy Ahokas
She had a great gift and love for animals and was a true friend as well.
--Esther G. and Michelle MullinsTed Cartledge
--Ruth Blann Cartledge
In memory of animals:
Beloved pet of Nancy and Bob Ahokas.
--Barbara and Larry StanleyNitro
--Barbara and Larry StanleyMikasa
--Barbara and Larry Stanley
In honor of people:
Barbara and Larry Stanley
--Les Tivers and Ann Shill Tivers
(c) Artist: Katie Kintner
Curious Cat-World:
The Siamese Cat Song (from Disney's "Lady and the Tramp")
Written by Peggy Lee and Sonny Burke, 1955.
Copyright 1997, Disney Corporation.We are Si-a-me-ese if you ple-ease.
We are Si-a-mese if you don't please.
Now we look-ing o-ver our new do-mi-cile.
If we like we stay for may-be quite a-while.Do you see-ing that thing swim-ming round and round? (Yes!)
May-be we could reach-ing in and make it drown.
If we snea-king up up-on it care-ful-ly,
There will be a head for you, a tail for me.Do you hear what I hear? (Ahhh...) A ba-by cry!
Where we fin-ding ba-by, there are milk near-by.
If we look in ba-by bug-gy, there could be
Plen-ty milk for you and al-so some for me.(different verse)
We are Si-a-me-ese if you ple-ease.
We are Si-a-mese if you don't please.
We are for-mer res-i-dents of Si-am.
There are no fi-ner cats than we am.We are Si-a-mese with ve-ry dain-ty claws.
Please ob-ser-ving paws con-tain-ing dain-ty claws.
Now we look-ing o-ver our new do-mi-cile,
If we like we stay for may-be quite a while.
(c) Artist: Eve Sandor
Microsoft Office: Design Gallery Live
*NaNcY*'s Cat Animation Gallery