Art Show Edition: Yoju's Cats
Issue 14 - By Barbara Stanley
Home2Cats, P. O. Box 752671, Memphis, TN 38175-2671
Flying Cat
Mixed media on paper
8.5" x 11"
Mews You Can Use: Cats' Whiskers
Cats grow whiskers on their eyebrows, chin, behind the wrists, and on their cheeks. These whiskers are specialized sensory hairs. Their roots are three times longer and deeper than normal hairs and are surrounded by many blood vessels and nerves. This makes the cat whiskers extremely sensitive.
This sensitivity enables your feline to detect the tiniest and most subtle of movements, air currents, changes in air pressure, temperature or wind direction. This sensitive form of touch assists in the agile navigation of the dark and of narrow spaces. When the ends of the whiskers are touched, the eyes reflexively close as a protective measure.
The positioning of the whiskers is also important and provides a great deal of information to our friend the cat. When hunting, forward reaching whiskers are providing the feline with valuable information about the prey it is carrying.
A cat's whiskers are roughly as wide as its body, which helps him to judge whether he can fit through openings. These smart guys will test an opening using the whiskers before deciding to let the body follow.
Other positions tell us things we need to know about moods (of course, we all know cats are not moody.........NOT). For instance, if the whiskers are pulled back, the cat is either angry or feeling defensive. Relaxed, forward aiming whiskers indicate contentment and/or curiosity.
Whiskers not only make the cat look cute but are a sensing device for the cat and should never be cut or trimmed.
Name: Lucky
Breed: Trail mixLucky's story wasn't always one of luck. He was living with his owner in an assisted living/nursing home when she passed away. Lucky found himself homeless. Since Lucky had never been neutered he was forced into the hard life of a tomcat. He made the grounds of the assisted living home his territory, where he had his share of catfights as well as many cold and hungry nights.
Then Frances Hillhouse moved into the facility in the summer of 2002 after losing her sister who happened to also be her best friend. With her was her cat Tiger who was her constant companion and pet of many years. Sadly, Tiger soon died of cancer. With the death of her sister and Tiger, Frances had a big void in her life. Enter Lucky.
Frances, being a kind and compassionate animal lover, never gave a second thought to feeding the stray cat on the grounds. Each day this wonderful, 88 year-old woman would pack a breakfast for Lucky and attach it to her walker. Her eyesight failing, she would slowly make the long walk to bring Lucky his breakfast at 6:30 each morning.
Unfortunately, not everyone felt the same compassion and concern Frances felt for this stray. Workers started taking Lucky’s food away from him as soon as Frances put it down.
Frances did not give up. She called Home 2 Cats. Off we went in search of this stray, which wasn't very difficult since he always showed up for breakfast.
After we had Lucky in our possession we took him to Frances' apartment where he enjoyed the good life for a couple of days before his trip to the vets. That's also when Frances appropriately named him Lucky, for that's what this cat was about to become.
Lucky's physical was more eventful than planned. His left eye had to be removed due to damage from cat fights. Along with being neutered and given shots, Lucky was tested for feline leukemia and Aids. Lucky tested positive for feline leukemia.
Being in rescue we know from experience that not many people will take on a feline leukemia cat. With heavy hearts we called Frances and explained the situation. We told her about feline leukemia and informed her that Lucky could live as little as 6 months or as much as 6 or more years.
Frances’ response to the uncertainty of Lucky’s future was "Heck, I’m 88. The only thing I know to do is accept it." We knew then that Lucky had a "forever" home.
Lucky knows what Frances did for him and is totally devoted to this woman. He follows his friend and companion from room to room. He is on the vanity to help her brush her teeth and waits outside the shower for her to reappear. He is usually walking right at her side wherever she goes unless it's bedtime. Then he is ahead of her and the first one in bed!
Frances, your goodness warms our hearts.
Lucky's Mostest & Leastest Favorite Things:
Favorite Toy: "Can't decide. Having too much fun with all of them."
Least Favorite Toy: "Ask again in a few months, when I learn to be finicky."Favorite Food: "Eukanuba."
Least Favorite Food: "Bugs. If you're a stray, that's a meal. (Ugh!)"Favorite Pastime: "Watching the birds after Frances feeds them."
Least Favorite Pastime: "Waiting for Frances, when she's out."Favorite Song: "Old Friends - by Simon & Garfunkel."
Least Favorite Song: "Don't Know Where I'm Goin' - by Paul Simon."Favorite Movie: "Mewlin Rouge."
Least Favorite Movie: "Dude, Where's My Cat?"
Orange Dream
Goueche on paper
4.75" x 6.75"
Animal and People Recognition:
While losing a companion is one of life's greatest sorrows, never having one is to miss out on years of loving companionship.
In Memory of People:
Ted Cartledge
--Ruth Blann CartledgeMary Meyer
--Les Tivers & Ann Shill-TiversMary Meyer
--Larry & Barbara StanleyLina Farley Rhodes
--Dr. Jo Cochran
In Memory of Animals:
Slug, Dids, Sister & Beans
--Bob & Dody Cordes
--Larry & Barbara StanleyMissy
--Larry & Barbara StanleyElectra
Beloved cat of Ron Meyer & Leslie Wolcott
--Leo MeyerElectra
Beloved cat of Ron Meyer & Leslie Wolcott
--Ellen LentzElectra
Beloved cat of Ron Meyer & Leslie Wolcott
--Steve Meyer
Beloved cat of Ron Meyer & Leslie
--Larry & Barbara Stanley
In Honor of People:
Nancy Barrow
--Rubye Reid
Kelly Cook
--Bob & Dody Cordes
Hal, Suzanne, Elyse, & Andrew Pate
--Bob & Dody Cordes
Ralph & Terri Hammond
--Bob & Dody Cordes
Larry & Barbara Stanley
For the work they do for animals
--Les Tivers & Ann Shill Tivers
Praying for a Safe Return:
Missing pet of Pam & Megan Jowers
--Conita & Steve Grigsby
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Yoju Pero Pero Mixed media on paper 4" x 6.5" |
From The Cat's Clawset: Pheromones & Feliway
Cats' scent mark their territories with pheromones. They deposit their scent by rubbing their chin or base of their tail against objects, or scratching the object with their claws. Facial pheromones make the cat feel calm and secure within his environment.
The company Veterinary Products Laboratories makes a product called Feliway in a spray and an electric diffuser that mimic these facial pheromones. The results are a calmer cat with a reduced impulse to urine mark or scratch objects.
We tried the electric diffuser at Home 2 Cats. While it didn't help all our furry friends, it definitely helped others. We quickly noticed that some of our more aggressive cats were no longer picking fights with their favorite targets and that their moods were considerably mellower. Our feral cats seem calmer and one even let us pet her after a few days of using the Feliway.
After two months of use, we still have some cats that show no effects of the product and are still aggressive with big attitudes. Still we give this product 4 paws (that’s an "A" on your human grading scale).
The electric diffusers come with a 48ml vial and last approximately 4 weeks. Ours lasted close to 6 weeks! Feliway can be ordered through your veterinarian or through several companies on-line. The price ranges $30 - $40 for the electric diffusers with vial and $16 - $22 for the refills.
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Yoju Yellow and Green Eyes Mixed media on paper 8.5" x 5.5" |
Curious Cat World: Yoju's Cats
Cats rule on the Internet! Cat sites all over the place! Where better to find the new breed of cat artist at work? Yoju is such an artist, although she doesn't limit herself to cats only. She illustrates a wide variety of subjects, even a dog or two ...
Her work reflects both her upbringing in Japan and her current life in the U.S. A lively mix of line drawings, bright colors, and Oriental patterns, sometimes it's very moving and other times it's just plain funny. She definitely knows cats!
If you like the examples of her work shown here, you'll really love her website at Check it out!
Hope you enjoyed our little art show! There's more cat art to come next issue ...
Home2Cats is now on Petfinder.Com:
Looking to adopt a cat or kitten? Check out our current pet list and our adoption day calendar on Home2Cats home page on under shelters/organizations. You may also access our home page directly by
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