Art Show: Cat Artists on eBay
Issue 17 - By Barbara Stanley
Home2Cats, P. O. Box 752671, Memphis, TN 38175-2671
All Curled Up With Nowhere To Go
"Bengal cat sleeping in the sun with nothing to do. It's a great life!"
A limited edition Giclee print on Somerset watercolour paper, 13" x 9.5".
Signed & numbered by the artist.
(c) 2003 Denise LaurentBy Denise Laurent, 'thepaintedcat' on eBay
Mews You Can Use:
Cat Hearing
The cat's senses have evolved to make them very effective predators. In previous issues we have discussed the use of their whiskers as a sensing device (Winter 2003) and their eyesight (Summer 2003) which has developed to provide a key element for hunting and survival. Another marvel of the feline engineering is the cat's ear.
The cat's external ear can rotate 180 degrees to locate and identify even the faintest noises. Their hearing is superior to most mammals including dogs. They can hear sounds four and five times farther away than humans.
Cats not only can determine the direction of a noise or sound with no more than a 5-degree error but can also detect the tiniest variance in sound within one-tenth of a tone. This not only helps them pinpoint the location but also helps them identify the type and size of the prey emitting the noise. This is important for cats that depend on hunting for survival.
The cat's highly developed sense of hearing makes it quite easy to distinguish the sound of the cupboard opening that contains the cat food from the sound of the cupboard opening next to it. Pretty impressive, huh?
Do you remember all those times you called or talked to your cat and you thought he didn't hear? With your cat's developed sense of hearing he heard you but just chose to ignore you. As with our human children, this falls into the category of "selective hearing."
A Full Tuxedo Cat Napping
"Sox the Cat just finished his huge meal. Now he is taking a little afternoon snooze."
An original acrylic painting on matte board, 2" x 2".
Signed & dated on the back.
(c) 2003 M.KingBy M.King, 'dexipoo' on eBay.
From The Cat's Clawset:
Kitty Mood-O-Meter
The cat's external ear can rotate 180 degrees to not only locate and identify noises, but to convey his mood. Knowing your cat's body language can help you to decipher his mood.
Happy and Relaxed: Ears at normal position, whiskers standing straight out from the face, and his tail relaxed or upright. Purring is also a sign of a "happy cat."
Aggressive: Ears flat and rotated backwards; swishing or thumping tail; hair on the tail bristled, hissing or screeching; and narrow pupils.
Frightened: Ears pulled back against head; eyes and pupils wide-open; hair on tail and back bristled.
Annoyed: Ears flat against the head, whiskers pulled back tightly against the face, and the tip of his tail twitching.
Sick: Ears remain in an abnormal position for an extended period of time (usually held low to the sides), eyes are half-closed, and the tail is between his legs.
The Friendly Bath
"Soleil just loves to bathe her brother, even after he stops liking it !!!"
An original acrylic painting on canvas, 4" x 4".
Signed and dated by the artist.
(c) 2003 Katie St. John
By 'katie-cats' on eBay
Cat Tails Profile:
Name: Rowdy
Alias: The Pest
Breed: God's Special Mix (The Best There Is!)All of God's creatures are special but I think that’s more so with rescued animals. They appreciate the kindness that is shown and given to them. This seems to be especially true of ones that were injured or abused before they were rescued and were subsequently nursed back to health. They seem to dedicate the rest of their lives showing their gratitude.
Once in a blue moon we get a rescue that is more than just ‘special.’ They touch your heart in a wondrous way and you know you’ve formed a bond that is way beyond the norm. Rowdy was one of these. He not only touched our hearts but that of others also. Rowdy also had a personality as big as his heart.
Rowdy died July 20, 2003 from gastrointestinal lymphoma. We only had Rowdy with us for five short years but we are so grateful to have had that.
I truly feel sorry for people who miss out on the opportunity of experiencing a 'Rowdy' because they don't want to get involved, are too busy, or don't want a handicapped animal…especially one that has a disease like 'feline leukemia.’ Rowdy taught us so many life lessons and enriched our lives.
We originally published Rowdy's story in our summer 2001 issue of 'The Scratching Post'. We wanted to share his story once again in a tribute to this wonderful cat that blessed our lives and the lives of others in such a special way.
Rowdy was found as a kitten by two joggers. He was missing an eye and was 'scalped' on the back of his head. Rowdy tested positive for feline leukemia, which promptly ended his rescuers’ involvement.Euthanasia was going to be the next stop for this 10-week-old kitten, except that he won the hearts of the staff at Park Avenue Animal Hospital. Home 2 Cats was called and, of course, Rowdy won our hearts also.
In the course of his life, Rowdy used up all of his 9 lives and then some. He had been on death's doorstep a number of times with illness, including an anaphylaxis reaction to antibiotics. That reaction caused Rowdy to stop breathing, and mouth to mouth resuscitation was given until we could get him back to the vets.
Rowdy, aka 'The Pest’, felt it was very important not to miss a thing that was happening. Rowdy was an 'in your face' type cat. He was known to have 'borrowed' items from guests, such as wallets, glasses and even a cell phone.
January of 2001, Rowdy lost his vision in his one remaining eye. Undaunted, Rowdy continued his quest to live life to the fullest.
His favorite aunt supplied him with toys that rattled and made noise for him to hear. Even blind, Rowdy was a champ at track ball.
He was also quick to point out to guests which drawer his favorite 'supervised' toy was kept in. If the guest didn't retrieve his toy or he felt he wasn't being given enough attention, he would deliver a 'nip'. This always resulted with Rowdy getting their full attention.
Rowdy learned quickly what tactics worked and didn't work. (Who was teaching whom?) We always had to be prepared around this special boy, because he was the best con man that we knew!
Rowdy will always be remembered and missed. Thank you Rowdy and God Bless. We are better for having known you.
Train Engineer
"Frank is a train engineer in this painting and he is rolling down the tracks huffing and puffing. He is on his way to pick up Otto his pal on The Fe Line Express."
An original acrylic painting on old wood, 3" x 4.5" x .75".
Signed by the artist.
(c) 2003 jacobhouse1By 'jacobhouse1' on eBay
Animal and People Recognition:
While losing a companion is one of life's greatest sorrows, never having one is to miss out on years of loving companionship.
In Memory of Animals:
Beloved Boston.
--Ruth & Wayne AshfordHenry
The best little poodle, owned by Jim & Lynda Sheppard.
--Ellen Lentz & Steve MeyerRowdy
--Bob & Dody Cordes
--Tanya Graham
--Brenda & Don Hargrove
--Ellen Lentz
--Steve Meyer
--Barbara & Larry Stanley
--Rebecca Wood
In Memory of People:
Ted Cartledge
Adoption of feral colony for a year.
--Ruth Blann Cartledge
In Honor of People:
Emily & Larry Hak
--Nancy Barrow
Alien Gets Cocky
"Cat catches Alien checking out another cat."
An original acrylic painting on acid free board, 8" x 10"
Signed and dated on the back with title.
(c) 2003 Sara PulverSara Pulver, 'threecrowscawing' on eBay.
Cat Tails #2:
Kroger Meg
This feral cat will always have a special place in our hearts. Kroger Meg was the cat that started Larry and I rescuing. We fed her for years behind a Kroger grocery store and spent many hours trying to catch this streetwise kitty.
I think the only reason she ‘allowed’ herself to be caught was that she was pregnant (again) and was having a difficult time. She would have died delivering her last litter on her own.
She enjoyed her last 5 years as an indoor cat - not having to worry about a thing. She remained feral and never allowed us to touch her until her last day. With that gesture we knew it was time to say goodbye.
--Barbara & Larry Stanley
Sir George
"This piece is about a spoiled cat posing for his picture to be taken."
Acrylic painting on a pine wood block, 9" x 9" x .5"
(c) 2003 Pat (coco8612)'coco8612' on eBay
A Word From Home (2Cats):
Antifreeze Is A Killer
With colder weather approaching it will soon be time to winterize your vehicles.
Cats and other animals like the taste of antifreeze. Antifreeze is very harmful and often fatal to animals. Animals do not have to directly consume the antifreeze to be affected. They can ingest it from licking their paws that were exposed to the substance.
The ethylene glycol-based antifreeze is the most commonly used and is highly toxic. Be sure to purchase the newer propylene glycol-based antifreeze, which is less toxic.
Before adding antifreeze to your vehicle make sure your vehicle is not leaking fluid. If any spillage occurs while adding the fluid be sure to clean the area thoroughly.
These simple steps will help protect pets and other animals in your neighborhood.
American Gothic Cats
An original acrylic painting on pine wood block, 2.5" x 3.5".
Signed and dated on the back by the artist.
(c) 2003 TashaBy Tasha, 'pretty_nifty_too' on eBay
Curious Cat World:
Cat Artists On Ebay
A great place to find cat art is eBay, the well-known auction site. There you can see cat art by both amateur and professional artists -- many pieces being original, one of a kind items.
You'll see realistic and abstract cats, serious and humorous cats, and, most importantly, expensive cats and inexpensive cats. This is a place where artists can sell their own work and find out what the world likes and also what it doesn't care for.
Good for eBay!
On-Going Projects:
Home2Cats is now on Petfinder.Com:
Looking to adopt a cat or kitten? Check out our current pet list and our adoption day calendar on Home2Cats home page on under shelters/organizations. You may also access our home page directly by
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