Issue #33, by Barbara Stanley,
Home 2 Cats, P. O. Box 752671, Memphis, TN 38175-2671
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In Memory of Rex
Larry and Rex at Lake Wapanocca
This issue of our newsletter is in memory of Rex, our Home 2 Cats mascot and logo cat. We said good-bye to this special feline September 18, 2007. Rex, who was only 10 years old, developed a life-threatening heart condition.
Rex lived life to the fullest. He was an extremely active cat that never walked but always trotted or ran. I think this was his way of never missing out on life. He was also the smartest and most inquisitive cat we have ever known. And I might add that wasn’t always to his benefit!
I believe Rex was really destined to be a dog, but somehow entered this world as a cat, and as such, took on the best qualities of each species. Rex would fetch, loved to ride in the car, even walked on a lead with the dogs. He opened drawers and cabinets with his dainty paws and rearranged everything in sight.
We took him several times on return trips to Wapanocca Reserve where he had been rescued. He was a fantastic bird watcher. All we ever had to do was point and say "Rex look" and he knew there was something exciting to view. When he gave a quivering meow and his tail started twitching, we knew he was focused on the target. Rex viewed eagles, ducks, deer, otters and even a heron swallowing a snake. Rex didn’t miss much and I don’t know who had more fun on these outings, him or us.
One day Don Hargrove, who designed our logo, decided the cat in the logo needed a name. He revamped the design and put Rex’s name on the bowl. Rex immediately became our logo and mascot cat.
Rex took his duties seriously and even helped us with orphaned kittens. He would curl up next to the babies during every bottle-feeding. After each feeding he would lick their faces clean. I suspect that wasn’t all big brother instincts on his part, but his chance of getting a taste of formula. Hey, you could call it his special "job with benefits."
Rex was also a great volunteer. When Park Avenue Animal Hospital, the veterinary clinic that Home 2 Cats uses, moved to a larger facility, Rex was among the workers that volunteered to help. He immediately roamed the halls chatting and supervising all volunteers.
I believe Rex didn’t think David was working or moving around enough as he kept returning to him and using his denim leg as a scratching post. I do believe David started moving a little faster each time Rex headed his direction.
Rex kept us smiling and laughing. He is truly missed and will be in our hearts forever. I would like to share his rescue story with you, reprinted from our book, Cat Tails of Rescue.
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Godzilla T-Rex aka Rex
Rex at home
On the spur of the moment, one Sunday afternoon, Larry and I decided to take off for a drive. With a picnic packed and binoculars in hand, we headed out from our home in Memphis, Tennessee, to Wapanocca National Wildlife Reserve in Arkansas, in hopes of spotting a pair of eagles that had wintered over.
Our first stop at the reserve that spring day was the observation pier at Wapanocca Lake. We were enjoying the view and observing the different species of ducks while listening to the birdcalls. We kept hearing one sound in particular that seemed to be originating from above the water in one of the partially submerged cypress trees. We were failing to find the source and I had just turned to head back to the car, when I heard Larry say, ‘It’s a cat!"
Since we were standing in the middle of a nature reserve that was set far away from any towns, I really thought Larry was trying to be comical. I responded, "Yeah, right" as I continued to head to the car.
When Larry stated the cat was in the tree, I really thought he had gone too far. I turned and was ready to give a smart reply to his joking, when I realized he wasn’t kidding around. I grabbed my binoculars and focused on a cypress tree that was surrounded by snake-infested water. There on a branch was a cat!
The reserve and lake is in a remote area and the only scenario for this cat to be in this dire situation was that he had been thrown in the lake to drown. The individual who did this didn’t realize that this cat, Rex, was an Olympic swimmer and tree climber. Along with his biathlon abilities, he also had survival training and was an advocate of the nine lives theory, so he just stayed perched in his tree and watched for eagles.
We soon discovered that it was impossible to reach park rangers on a Sunday afternoon. After hours of telephone calls and a trip to the Sheriffs office in the nearest town, we realized that this poor cat was going to be spending another night perched in his tree.
That night at home, I was able to reach a member of the Eastern Arkansas Humane Society. Juleanne is a wonderful lady who took charge of the situation and guaranteed me that she would help this cat. I told her that no matter what condition this cat was in, Home 2 Cats would take him.
First thing the next morning, Juleanne drove to the reserve and walked to the end of the observation pier where Rex was still utilizing his survival skills. Juleanne then contacted the park rangers and a full-scale rescue operation began. A motorboat was launched with a couple of rangers, one who was going to get the opportunity to demonstrate his climbing skills. When help arrived, Rex was polite enough to shimmy down a few branches and make his rescuer climb only three-quarters of the way up the tree.
Juleanne called me that night to let me know that the rescue operation was successful, but she did however have bad news. A vet had given Rex a checkup, and he was dehydrated and thin. The worst news was that the vet had said Rex had been set on fire before being thrown in the lake! His coat and whiskers were singed!
Juleanne, Larry and I were dumb founded and upset. Juleanne drove Rex to Memphis the following morning and placed this scrawny creature in my arms. Larry had already dubbed this little guy Godzilla T-Rex. As I rushed Rex to our vets for another check up, I thought how strange that his coat and whiskers were ‘singed’, but his skin had not been burned.
Dr. Carolyn McCutcheon looked at Rex’s chart with his sketchy short history; she then took one look at Rex and started laughing. I failed to see any humor, until she informed me that Rex was a pure breed Devon Rex. With the exception of being dehydrated and extremely scrawny, Rex’s short wavy coat and whiskers was exactly the way he was supposed to look which was a relief!
From Rex’s condition we know that he had been in the tree for several days. Rex had such a will to survive and did! This Olympic hero won the honor of becoming the Home 2 Cats mascot!
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Animal and People Recognition
While losing a companion is one of life's greatest sorrows, never having one is to miss out on years of loving companionship.
In Memory Of Animals
Beloved cat of Jeanie Condo
--Ruth Blann Cartledge, Phoebe & HolleSable
Adorable cat of Steve & Robin Woodworth
--Gary & Jodi RuppGranny
From a feral cat to a real ‘home body’, she was a survivor. She is missed.
--Bill & Rita VandenburghRex
Home 2 Cats Mascot
--Larry & Barbara Stanley, Ellen Lentz, Steve Meyer, Don & Brenda Hargrove, Michelle & Walter Estep & RemingtonIn Memory Of People
Ted Cartledge
--Ruth Blann CartledgeIn Honor Of People
Jens & Michele Brewer
In honor of their marriage
--Kendra WilliamsSteve Meyer
The best house and pet sitter ever!
--Bill & Rita VandenburghLarry and Barbara Stanley
--Ruth Blann Cartledge
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Our mission is:
To provide food, medical care, love and sanctuary for injured, disabled or abused animals.
To educate the public in what constitutes responsible cat care and ownership.
To engage in other activities related to animal rescue and public education about cat care and responsibilities.
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Graphics from CatStuff
Office: Design Gallery Live
Cat Animation Gallery
Lucky Cats portraiture by donaldmoon
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