Issue #38, by Barbara Stanley,
Home 2 Cats, P. O. Box 752671, Memphis, TN 38175-2671
Mews You Can Use
A Flea's Tale
Flea season is greatly influenced by weather conditions such as temperature and humidity. As the temperature and humidity increase, so does the flea activity. For our area, Memphis, flea activity is generally March to December with the peak activity during the summer months.
The life cycle of the flea is three to four weeks so patience and perseverance is definitely required to eradicate this little pest. Fleas and butterflies have the same life cycle: adult, egg, caterpillar, cocoon and adult (The evolution of the butterfly is a beautiful thing to witness – the evolution of the flea does NOT conjure up the same images).
Fleas can lay 150 to 300 eggs per week, so it is easy to achieve an infestation in a relatively short period of time. The flea caterpillars emerge from the eggs and crawl around in your carpet or lawn eating whatever they can find, including food crumbs, organic matter, and the nutrient-rich fecal pellets left behind from other fleas.
When full grown, the flea caterpillar makes a little cocoon and within the cocoon, the flea lies in wait---literally. Within the protection of its cocoon, the flea can wait patiently for many weeks for a host to come near. Within their cocoon, fleas can sense warmth and vibrations. Sensing the presence of warmth and the vibration from footsteps the flea will emerge, detect the source of the warmth and jump a distance of one foot to make contact.
Once on the host, fleas will begin to partake in blood meal. In heavy infestations, fleas can cause life-threatening anemia especially in kittens, puppies and elderly animals that do not have blood to spare. Fleabites can cause allergic dermatitis, contributing to severe itching, skin damage and hair loss. Fleas are also part of the life cycle of tapeworms, an intestinal parasite that will hook into the intestinal lining of your pet.
If your pet is outside, you will need to treat your yard as well. Sunlight kills fleas; so concentrate your efforts in the shady areas of your yard. Instead of insecticides, you can battle fleas with their natural enemy, nematodes. Nematodes are microscopic worms that kill flea larvae and cocoons. Apply them to your yard once a month until the fleas are gone.
There are many excellent products for treating and protecting your pet from fleas. Please consult your veterinarian as to which product and dose would be right for your pet.
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Looking For a Few Good Homes
Home 2 Cats has 6 adorable, active and loving kittens in need of homes. They have been wormed, tested and vaccinated. Home 2 Cats will also cover their spaying/neutering as age permits. If you have room in your life for unconditional love please give us a call.
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Cat Tails
Remembering Conchita: When Loss Hits Home
By Dody Cordes
As parents, we take it upon ourselves to fiercely protect our children from hurt. Though unrealistic, it seems to be our nature to do so. So when hurt visits your child, that sense of helplessness is so much to bear.
Over Thanksgiving, our adult daughter visited family in Arkansas from her home in Los Angeles. Her 17 and 16 year-old "babies" were left in competent, loving hands. Upon her return, she found her sweet Conchita dead, apparently from natural causes.
Even though our daughter is 39, this is the first real loss of someone so dear and close. Sure, she has lost grandparents, aunts and uncles – but as all of us who have shared our love and our lives with animals know – the loss of that critter who meets you at the door each day, makes you laugh, infuriates you to no end and loves you unconditionally – well, that’s a loss that falls into its own unique category.
Conchita came to live with Kelly as a baby in Memphis just after Kelly’s college graduation. I drove with them cross- country 8 years ago for the move to L.A. Conchita (aka Chitters, Cheeto, and Chita Rita) was a beauty, a very special calico with a tiny little head and a somewhat more "robust" body. She loved her treats and was a great snuggler (on her terms, of course). She and pal Pedro were Kelly’s constant companions.
Kelly’s grief is huge and very real. And I watch this child of mine hurt so deeply and know there is nothing I can do except offer that long distance shoulder to cry on. The grieving for a pet is hard to explain – it touches a deep place inside your heart and you feel you might never recover. Yet, time heals and recover we do and we go on to share our lives and our love with other animals that also become dear.
I would give anything to take Kelly’s pain and not have her grief be so profound. But I know this is part of life and that she must do this and come to her own understanding and acceptance.
So, we honor Conchita for what she was and what she meant to my child. Over Christmas, Kelly brought her sweet baby’s cremains back here to Georgia. We placed those cremains in the back yard where she will be in good company with those who have gone before – Simon, Slug, Sister, Sylvester and Mr. Dids.
Rest in peace, sweet Conchita. And thank you for giving Kelly so much for so many years. I’m glad you were there for her when I couldn’t be.
Animal and People Recognition
While losing a companion is one of life's greatest sorrows, never having one is to miss out on years of loving companionship.
In Memory Of Animals
Beloved pet of Ernie and Joan Miller.
--Steve MeyerAretha
Loving Kitty of Ivy Costner.
--Mary BowenAretha
Beloved Cat of Ivy Costner.
--Kay JoestHobo
Beloved Kitty of Gwen Johnson.
--Mary BowenCuddles
Beloved pet dog of Laura and Neil Taylor.
--Hal, Suzanne, Elyse and Andrew and Ki-KittyConchita
Beloved Sweet Baby of Kelly Cook.
--Bob and Dody CordesConchita
Beloved Cat of Kelly Cook.
--Larry and Barbara StanleyLucky
Beloved one-eyed FeLv + resident of Home 2 Cats
who was originally the beloved rescued companion to Frances Hillhouse.
--Larry and Barbara StanleyIndia
Who blessed our lives from May 22, 2000 –January 2, 2004.
--George and Linda Bond
In Honor Of Animals
The Home 2 Cats Cats at Home 2 Cats
--Phoebe Catus and Holle Noel
In Memory Of People
Ted Cartledge
In memory of my beloved husband.
In honor of his birthday.
Happy Birthday Ted!
--Ruth Blann CartledgeJoe Walkner
In memory of my brother --
First Christmas without him.
--Ruth Blann CartledgeJim Walkner
In memory of my brother.
In honor of his birthday and Christmas.
--Ruth Blann CartledgeCelia Marks
In memory of my mother’s birthday.
--Sidney Nesbit
In Honor Of People
Ruth Cartledge
Happy Birthday "Mom."
--Phoebe Catus and Holle NoelDonna Daugherty
Happy Birthday.
--Susan BarnhartJim Desper and Janet Levy
--Jo LevyEd Shoulta and Jason Mills
--Jo LevyNorman and Margery Lee
--Jo LevyDr. Carolyn McCutcheon and all at Park Avenue Animal Hospital
I am thankful for all they do for animals and especially for my cats
and lately Holle Noel who is doing much better.
--Ruth Blann CartledgeLarry and Barbara Stanley
We are thankful for Barbara and Larry.
--Ruth Blann Cartledge
--Phoebe Catus and Holle NoelBob and Dody Cordes and Guinness, Ozzie, Harriet and Mr. Murphy
Mike Mauk and Scraps and Milo
Sandy, Garry, Nicole and Michael and Tiger and Snickers
In Honor of our wonderful neighbors.
--From Hal, Suzanne, Elyse and Andrew Pate and Ki-KittyMike, Bob, Dody, Scraps, Milo, Guinness, Ozzie, Harriet and Murphy
--From Marlene MaukHal, Suzanne Andrew and Elyse Pate and Ki-Kitty
Bob, Dody Cordes and Guinness, Ozzie, Harriet and Murphy
Michele, Jens, Hannah and Hayden Brewer and Sage
Garry, Sandy, Nicole, and Michael Albrecht and Snickers and Tiger
Marlene Mauk and In Memory of Igor and Sylvester
Ms. Kelly Stoll and In Memory of Grayboy
--From Mike MaukThe Pate Family and Ki-Kitty
Kelly Cook and Pedro
Mike Mauk and Scraps and Milo
Marlene Mauk
The Albrecht Family and Snickers and Tiger
The Brewer Family and Sage
Carolyn Akin, Clayton, Catherine and Teeny-Tiny
Ralph, Terri and assorted dogs, cats and mules
We honor our family and friends.
--Love from Bob and Dody Cordes, Guinness, Ozzie, Harriet, and Murphy
Our mission
is: To provide food, medical care, love and sanctuary for injured, disabled or abused animals. To educate the public in what constitutes responsible cat care and ownership. To engage in other activities related to animal rescue and public education about cat care and responsibilities. |
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